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Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania


European Union Law and Lithuanian Administrative Justice

Joint publication by Vilnius University Faculty of Law and the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania published in 2023.

The articles review and assess the development of the Lithuanian administrative court system and administrative law, as well as insights into its intersection and interaction with European Union law. The collection of articles also examines topics relevant to the development of relations between the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania and state authorities, the development of the jurisprudence of the European Union and the administrative courts of Lithuania, the protection of fundamental human rights in the case law of the Lithuanian and international courts, and the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania in specific areas of administrative law where the impact of the European Union law is most strongly felt.

Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania: 20 Years Ago and Today

Publication by the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania published in 2021 to mark the 20th anniversary of the Court.

This publication provides an overview of the Court's development, highlights of the Court's activities and the most important cases it has dealt with, as well as information on the composition of the Court, the path of the administrative case, the history of the Court's activities, and a variety of other relevant and interesting information regarding the Court.


Žygimantų st. 2,
LT-01102 Vilnius Lithuania
Phone: +370 5 279 1005
Mobile: +370 655 22502


Working hours
I-IV 8.00 – 17.00
V 8.00 – 15.45
Lunch break 12.00 – 12.45

Hours for receiving complaints and requests at the office:
I-IV 8.00 – 17:00
V 8:00 – 15:45

Additional hours for pre-registered persons for receiving complaints and requests at the office:
I 17.00 – 17:30
III 17.00 – 17:30
